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Sabina Debes ,Founder of Gaia – Oasis, member since : April 1998 Homepage : I was lucky to experience this wonderful Vision! And, writing it down I found all these incredible fellow travellers with whom together we all built Gaia – Oasis up on one of the most beautiful island of this planet, Bali. This is a precious opportunity for us to train aligned efforts for a goal that is worth while putting effort in. Now Gaia – Oasis can support many hundreds of people in their search for relaxation, friendship, meaning in life and inner peace – and maybe even in Awakening? Being a curiously searching therapist, I learned many different methods including meditation, breath – works, radical forgiveness, yoga etc. and also the most helpful wisdom based Avatar –training. Finally I also returned to my roots : my father passion for the discourses of the Buddha, with which I grew up – and started to study these deeply.It turned out that they seem to be the most profound psychology, the best practical path to heal ourselves deeply and once and for ever! These discourses together with the explanations of my father are consequently and solely based on understanding reality profoundly as it is. Nothing to believe – much to discover! The object of research is always only the “I”. Compassion and love are a result of understanding oneself. I like much to practice self – reflection and I like to invite and welcome others to discover themselves – and thus the path to happiness! |
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Shanti Hoebel, member since: December 1998 Gaia-Oasis is for me the Oasis of Healing and of Self-peace. A place where I am in a loving exchange with equally minded people for the development of my own inner potential, to come into contact with God within me! Surrounded by the beauty of Nature, the trust in the people who realised their Vision with their combined creativity. I learn more and more to in Honesty, Frankness and Love. I am a trained Groupleader (TZI) and am for several years engaged in Psycho-Sociology and Social Work. It is for me a joy to be a medium between the Men and Women. |
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Helen Belovics, member since: July 2001 I came to Bali to create a spiritual center on the land of my teacher Jeru Kabbal in Bondalem. He wanted a center where people could come for a shorter or a longer time, to reflect and to become friends with themselves and with others. To my surprise I found out that a center like that already existed in the next village Tejakula, a center with the same philosophy. So, gratefully I gave up my own project and joined Gaia-oasis in 2001. |
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Priya Cornelia Link, member since: July 2001 I was born in Hamburg in 1965, always travelled a lot , inspired already from an early age by my family . Also from an early age I discovered Yoga and Meditation which are since then my loyal companions in keeping me sane and helping me to go deeper on every level . My dear friend Sabine with whom I used to teach Avatar inspired me to join the lovely Gaia Oasis which has become my two children’s and my second home . Our first home since 13 years is Mullumbimby in NSW Australia – another Paradise. I am an artist , a raw food chef and Trainer at the moment but also used to teach Yoga , give Thai massages and teach Avatar . In Australia I had two Sushi Bars . All of these things go well with Gaia Oasis which for me is a community of like minded people looking to find peace and love . My plan is to one day spend a few months at Gaia and teach a combined course of art , Yoga and Raw Food and maybe even live there full time once my kids are old enough . In the meantime, whilst tackling the challenges of life I enjoy the connections I have with the lovely members and wonderfully warm and gentle staff either via email, at the meetings or when I come for a holiday . |
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Sigrun Fricke,Member since: July 2001 Ich bin am 10.1.1945 geboren, habe zwei verheiratete Töchter und bin seit 4 und drei Monaten glückliche Großmutter. Seit sieben Jahren wohne ich sehr abgeschieden in der Eifel in einem Dorf, in dem es nur 4 Höfe gibt. Hier arbeite ich in meinem Wohnzimmer als Ärztin für Homöopathie und Psychotherapie. Außerdem gebe ich Avatarkurse und beginne mit Kinesiologie Menschen zu heilen. Meine Patenschaft in Bali öffnet mich für eine grössere Welt. Ich möchte die Vision erfüllen. die für mich bedeutet, dass Menschen sich zusammentun, die wirklich die Verantwortung für sich selbst übernehmen wollen. |
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Dorothee Saicho Jung, member since: March 2003 What inspires me in Gaia Oasis again and again is the lightness and humour in which we can communicate overcoming all cultural an national limits.That – with all our differences we always find a common spirit. Everyone here of whatever origin can feel this.It is a creating of paving ways, building houses and temples, planting, dancing … there are so many possibilities together with the Balinese and people from all over the world. Whenever needed I give sessions in Core Pulsation, Chi Nei Tsang massages, create some yoga with a group, energy evenings or bodyflow or any other meditations. So I enjoy the relaxed being together with everyone. |
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Andrea Tesch, member since: May 2004 Gaia-Oasis und Bali sind für mich bereits beim ersten Kennenlernen Heimat geworden. Jedes Mal, wenn ich herkomme, fühle ich mich tiefer verbunden mit den Menschen, der üppigen Natur und einer Stimmung der Langsamkeit. Unser wundervoller Platz hat eine besondere Energie, die spürbar ist und die Menschen hier inspiriert, ein Ort der Begegnung und Entfaltung im Miteinander unterschiedlicher spiritueller Wege. “Menschen Wege zur Heilung zu eröffnen”, dies war für mich die Vision, die mich Ärztin werden ließ. Ich habe mich nun auf den Weg gemacht Ausdehnung zu erfahren… Ich fühle mich Sabines Vision sehr verbunden und sehe, dass durch unsere Patengemeinschaft, unsere Gäste sowie durch die Mitarbeiter, diese täglich mit neuem Leben erfüllt wird. |
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Mareya Margaret Taylor, member since: September 2004 Homepage : Several years ago I came to Bali for a crystal sound retreat and loved the energy of the whole of Gaia-Oasis. As I have lived most of my life guiding and supporting others to heal themselves, I know this is a beautiful place where people can feel nurtured in the vortex of love of mother nature herself. |